Friday, April 11, 2008

Admission Time

I have an admission to make. I'm not English. Well, half of me is. The other half is made up of Septic Tank. Yes, I'm half Yank. My father was an oilman from Texas (no joke!). I've got the passport to prove it.
So what? Well it's the American election. I can't get enough of it. I'm addicted. I've got a huge list of blogs and news sites I visit every night to find out the very latest. And the election proper hasn't even started yet.
I might even get to vote. The process looks a little tricky but I'm going to give it a go.
The candidate I'm rooting for is Obama. My girlfriend is fed up with the 'Go Obama' jig I do whenever he picks up another state.
He seems too good to be true. Intelligent and a great orator. The polar opposite to George W. Hopefully Obama can start to repair the damage done to the US's reputation over the past few years.
If you'd have asked me a year ago I would have supported Hillary Clinton. But her negative attacks on Obama have put me off. You could also ask that if this is the way she runs a campaign, how would she run a country?
Obviously she has her strengths. But the more I see of her, the less I like her.
On the Republican side you have John McCain. He's a likeable maverick who has battled through everything from torture (in Vietnam) to malicious rumours (courtesy of George W).
He might have an anger-management problem and I'm a little nervous of his 'Bomb Iran' song, but at least he seems to be immune from all the weasely Washington lobbyists. And he believes in global warming. Which is a good start.
So whoever gets in it'll be an improvement. Americans are not the dumb, insular folk they are made out to be. Although I might be the exception that proves the rule!

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