Friday, April 11, 2008

Contacting the Paper

Bus crashes, unexpected births and men's pants... just your usual Echo this week!
One of things I'm most asked by readers is how to get something in the paper. It really is as simple as contacting us.
Say if you're advertising an event. Just e-mail (or phone, or even post) in the details and hey presto, it's in.
What details to include? My advice is to keep it simple. What, when, where, why and perhaps a how.
Don't try to write the story yourself. This is not to say nobody but us reporters can write, but we do know house style.
And always, ALWAYS, include a contact number (preferably daytime) so if the reporter does need to contact you they can. It is amazing the number of times when we have been given an incomplete story and no contact details to chase it up.
Some people can get a little nervous calling up a paper, especially if it's their first time. That's understandable, but never forget it's the reporter's job to get the info and write the story.
I anything goes wrong, it's our fault!

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